Mass Shootings. The Holocaust from the Baltic to the Black Sea 1941 – 1944

In June 1941, the German Reich and its allies invaded the Soviet Union. 14 million civilians died in the ensuing war of annihilation, including over two million Jews. Most of the victims were murdered in mass shootings or asphyxiated in so-called gas vans. Around 30,000 Roma and 17,000 psychiatric patients also lost their lives. The mass murder was committed by the mobile killing squads (Einsatzgruppen) of the Security Police and the Security Service of the SS; by Order Police, Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS units and by local volunteer forces.

The exhibition »Mass Shootings. The Holocaust from the Baltic to the Black Sea 1941 – 1944« documents the crimes and pays tribute to the victims.

Stiftung Topographie des Terrors, Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas (Publisher)
Mass Shootings. The Holocaust from the Baltic to the Black Sea 1941 – 1944
Berlin, 2016


Additional information




Available in German and English at the Memorial's museum shop and at the information desk of the Topography of Terror Documentary Centre an under


16,00 Euro